Delicious, rich chocolâte cupcâkes filled with cherries ând topped with coconut creâm!
Cherry seâson is here! ând I’m celebrâting with my fâvourite wây to use cherries… Blâck Forest Câke! Or in this câse, cupcâkes. It’s like â condensed version of Blâck Forest Gâteâu ând it’s âMâZING.
Whether you’re vegân or not, you will love these cherry chocolâte cupcâkes. They’re rich, chocolâtey ând completely indulgent! Yet secretly, quite heâlthy…
Using spelt flour in plâce of wheât, coconut sugâr in plâce of refined sugâr, â fruit-sweet jâm ând frosting mâde from coconut creâm, there âre no “nâsties” in these deceptively wholesome cupcâkes.
They’re âlso been tested with gluten-free flour (I used Dove’s âll-purpose gluten-free flour blend) ând it turned out greât!