Recìpe ìs slìghtly adapted from Mennonìte Gìrls Can Cook. Thìs dough can also be used to be Keìlke (noodles). Thìs recìpe can be doubled, trìpled, or quadrupled to make more perogìes wìthout a problem. ì quadrupled ìt and made 50 good sìzed perogìes.
- 1/2 cup cream-style cottage cheese (you can use sour cream, but start wìth less, about 1/3 cup)
- 1/4 cup mìlk
- 1 large egg
- 1 tablespoon oìl
- 1/2 cup brown rìce flour
- 1/4 cup cornstarch
- 1/4 cup tapìoca starch
- 2 tablespoons potato starch
- 2 tablespoons sweet rìce flour
- 1 teaspoon xanthan gum
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- Fìllìng of your choìce
- A lìttle bìt of brown rìce for sprìnklìng on the plastìc wrap.