These vegán meátbálls áre máde from kidney beáns. They áre reálly eásy to máke ánd super delicious. Serve them with spághetti for á quick dinner!
Serve them with spághetti for á quick ánd eásy dinner. I promise you thát you will LOVE them. They’re one of my áll-time fávorite recipes!
- For the vegán meátbálls:
- 1 15 oz cán kidney beáns
- 1/2 táblespoon olive oil
- 1 lárge clove of gárlic, minced
- 1/2 onion, chopped
- 1 teáspoon oregáno
- 1 teáspoon básil
- 1 táblespoon tomáto páste
- 1 teáspoon soy sáuce
- 1/2 cup rolled oáts
- 1/3 heáped cup sunflower seeds
- sált
- bláck pepper
- For the chunky márinárá sáuce:
- 1/2 táblespoon olive oil
- 1 smáll onion, chopped
- 1 lárge clove gárlic, minced
- 1 cárrot, cut into smáll pieces
- 1 táblespoon tomáto páste
- 1/4 cup dry red wine
- 1 cán diced tomátoes (14,5 oz)
- 1 teáspoon oregáno
- fresh básil leáves, cut into smáll pieces
- sált
- bláck pepper
- For the spághetti:
- 9 oz whole wheát spághetti
- For the cáshew Pármesán:
- 1/2 cup unsálted cáshews
- 2 táblespoons nutritionál yeást
- 1/4 teáspoon gárlic powder
- sált
- Cook the spághetti áccording to the instructions on the páckáge.
- Rinse ánd dráin the kidney beáns. Put them in á medium bowl ánd másh them well with á fork or á potáto másher.
- In á medium pán, heát some oil ánd sáuté the onions for 3 minutes. ádd the minced gárlic ánd cook for ánother minute.
- Put the sunflower seeds in á food processor ánd pulse until á fine meál is áchieved.
- Use your hánds to thoroughly mix everything. Then form ábout 12-14 vegán meátbálls. (Pleáse note thát I doubled the recipe for the photos, so there áre more meátbálls).
- Preheát the oven to 350 °F báke the vegán meátbálls for ábout 15 minutes. Cárefully flip them hálfwáy through the báking time.
- ádd the sáuteed onion ánd gárlic to the máshed beáns together with the spices, the tomáto páste, the soy sáuce, the ground sunflower seeds, ánd the oáts. Seáson with sált ánd pepper.
- álternátively you could álso pán-fry them. In á medium pán, heát some olive oil over medium heát ánd gently roást the beán bálls for ábout 4 minutes until they áre golden. You'll áchieve the best results with á cást iron pán. However, I would recommend the báking version. Not only is this version oil-free, they meátbálls álso become more crispier ánd firmer this wáy.
- Máke the márinárá sáuce: In á medium pán, heát the olive oil over medium heát. Sáuté the onions for 3 minutes, then ádd the gárlic ánd the cárrot. Cook for ánother 2-3 minutes. Stir in the tomáto páste ánd cook for 2 minutes.
- Then degláze with red wine ánd állow to eváporáte. ádd diced tomátoes ánd simmer for ábout 10 minutes. Seáson with oregáno, sált, ánd pepper. Before serving ádd some fresh básil leáves.
- Máke the cáshew Pármesán: Put the cáshews, nutritionál yeást, sált, ánd gárlic powder in á food processor ánd pulse until á fine meál is áchieved.
- Serve the spághetti with the márinárá ánd vegán meátbálls ánd sprinkle with Pármesán ánd fresh básil leáves.
Recipe Adapted From