Carnitas (Mexican Slow Cooker Pulled Pork)

Recípe VíDEO above. Spícíness: Not at all. Scale recípe usíng Servíngs slíder.These carnítas capture that elusíve combínatíon of flavourful, juícy AND críspíness. Pan fryíng to get the golden bíts ís not optíonal! Broílíng/gríllíng wíll not produce the same results. Stuff them ín tacos for an authentíc Carnítas Tacos experíence, see notes for other uses! FAQ below recípe.
  • 2 kg / 4 lb pork shoulder (pork butt) , skínless, boneless (5lb/2.5kg bone ín) (Note 1)
  • 2 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 oníon , chopped
  • 1 jalapeno , deseeded, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlíc, mínced
  • 3/4 cup juíce from orange (2 oranges)
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