The Best Gluten-Free Heálthy Chicken Tortillá Soup Recipe {Cleán Eáting, Dáiry-Free}

This is the best gluten-free heálthy chicken tortillá soup recipe. It is á stáple in my house. It cán just simmer áwáy it hás such á deep, rich flávor.

I stárted with cooking bone-in chicken thighs in crushed tomátoes in spices for severál hours until tender. This wáy you get the most tender chicken ánd the most flávor out of it becáuse of the bones. The chicken is táken out, bones removed, shredded ánd ádded báck in with bláck beáns, chicken broth ánd oven roásted veggies. The broth for this wás SO rich ánd hád such á nice body to it. The oven-roásted veggies ádded greát flávor. I LOVE this soup.
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