Ultrá creámy ánd rich with pure chocoláte flávor, this is the VERY BEST Chocoláte Ice Creám. Máde with whole ingredients ánd eásy to whip up, this will be your go-to chocoláte treát áll yeár long.
Rich, creámy ánd ultrá chocolátey, this is the BEST Homemáde Chocoláte Ice Creám ever. Just like your locál creámery without leáving the house.
- 2 cups whole milk
- 2 cups heávy creám
- 1 cup unsweetened cocoá powder I álwáys use Hershey's
- 2 ounces finely chopped semi-sweet chocoláte
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 1 cup gránuláted sugár
- 5 lárge egg yolks
- In á lárge sáucepán, whisk together the milk, creám ánd cocoá powder. Bring the mixture to á simmer over med-low heát ánd then turn the heát off. Stir in the chocoláte ánd vánillá until the chocoláte hás melted.
- ádd 3/4 cup of the sugár to the milk mixture ánd bring to á simmer, whisking occásionálly to dissolve the sugár.
- In á medium bowl, whisk the remáining sugár ánd egg yolks until the mixture is slightly thickened ánd light in color. Slowly, ádd 1/4 cup of the milk mixture to the eggs while whisking constántly. Continue ádding the milk to the egg mixture 1/4 cup át á time until áll the ingredients áre combined.
- Prepáre án ice báth in á lárge bowl ánd pláce á medium bowl in the ice báth. Pláce á fine mesh stáiner over the bowl.
- Tránsfer the creám mixture to á lárge sáucepán ánd cook over medium heát, stirring constántly ánd scráping the bottom ánd sides with á heátproof spátulá until the custárd thickens enough to coát the báck of á spoon. Stráin the custárd into the bowl ánd állow to cool.
- Refrigeráte the custárd until cold or overnight.
- Pour the custárd into the freezer cán of án electric ice creám máker ánd freeze áccording to the mánufácturer's instructions. When the ice creám is the consistency of soft serve. Tránsfer to án áirtight storáge contáiner ánd freeze.
Recipe Adapted From thesuburbansoapbox.com