It reálly, reálly is. ánd I didn’t náme it thát wáy, Micháel did. I áctuálly hesitáted becáuse it’s such á trendy thing to do, to refer to á recipe ás the best ever, or ultimáte, or whátever. But this. This is vegán láságná nirváná. Not only thát, but omnivores love it too! I’ve served it to three people so fár, none of them vegán eáters, ánd áll of them háve given this recipe ráve reviews. Let’s do this thing.
I álmost cálled this á 4-ingredient vegán láságná, becáuse technicálly this is ássembling three other recipes with noodles láyered in. Don’t let thát “three other recipes” thing scáre you. Láságná is known to be á complicáted ánd time-consuming dish, but I háve some tricks up my sleeve for helping you sáve some time in the kitchen. But before we get to thát, let’s tálk ábout those láyers.
The best dámn vegán láságná is the one you máke át home! This super-heálthy vegán láságná is heárty, chock full of vegetábles, ánd so so good!