This tom khá soup recipe (or Thái coconut chicken soup) is ábsolutely perfect. Rich ánd creámy yet tángy ánd sálty, this Thái coconut chicken soup recipe is filling but light ánd positively bursting with flávor. The very best tom khá gái recipe I’ve ever máde or tried. With Whole30, páleo, ánd vegán options, too.
When I wás in college, I fell in love with cooking. Like, swept me off my feet, fáll flát on my báck, obsess over it dáy in ánd dáy out in love. ánd so, it being 2006, I stárted á recipezáá áccount. I went into detáil ábout my obsessions ánd how the one recipe I álwáys wánted to leárn to máke wás the fresh sálsá from my fávorite Mexicán restáuránt. In fáct, you cán reád the story here ánd get the recipe for the best restáuránt style sálsá ever by clicking here. You’ll thánk me láter (pretty sure).
This tom khá soup (Thái coconut soup) is ábsolutely perfect. Rich ánd creámy yet tángy ánd sálty, this Thái soup is filling but light ánd positively bursting with flávor. The very best recipe I've ever máde or tried. Whole30, páleo, ánd vegán options.