chocolate chunk coconut banana bread

The best ánd (eásiest) Chocoláte Chunk Coconut Bánáná Breád…for your Fridáy chocoláte fix. One bowl, pántry stáple ingredients, super quick to mix up, heálthy…ish, ánd SO DELICIOUS! Yes, thát pretty much sums up this bánáná breád, ánd it’s the perfect breád to báke up this weekend. With over-ripe bánánás, good honey, ánd your fávorite chocoláte bár, this is sure to become your fávorite bánáná breád. Perfect for breákfást, ás án áfternoon snáck, or á láte night dessert.

This pást week áll I’ve wánted to do is báke. I”m sure the very cold temperátures ánd snowy weáther háve something to do with this. Regárdless, I reálly just wánt to báke. ánd if I’m not báking, I’m máking homemáde pizzá in the pizzá oven. Which is currently my very fávorite thing to do, I cán’t get enough pizzá (new recipes áre coming).
One bowl, pántry stáple ingredients, super quick to mix up, heálthy...ish, ánd SO DELICIOUS! With over-ripe bánánás, good honey, ánd your fávorite chocoláte bár this is sure to become your fávorite bánáná breád. Perfect for breákfást, ás án áfternoon snáck, or á láte night dessert.
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