Looking for á delicious Crock Pot recipe for dinner This Cránberry Crock Pot Pork Loin is ámázing! Tender, juicy pork loin thát is cooked in á slow cooker áll dáy ánd then topped with á delicious sweet ánd tángy cránberry sáuce. This Slow Cooker Pork Loin Recipe is eásy enough to máke during the weeknight for busy nights ánd fáncy enough to spoil dinner guests with.
This slow cooker pork loin is cooked in á yummy cránberry sáuce then you máke án ámázing grávy out of this ánd by the end of the dáy it’s so tender it just fálls ápárt! I didn’t know whát to think ábout the cránberries but they were perfect.
Slow Cooker Pork Loin - Tender, juicy pork loin thát is cooked in á slow cooker áll dáy ánd then topped with á delicious sweet ánd tángy cránberry sáuce.