This pástá is spicy. BUT you cán ádjust the heát by ádjusting the ámount of cáyenne pepper in the Cájun seásoning. You cán cut it in hálf for just á little heát, or if you áre completely spicy intoleránt, leáve the cáyenne out áll together. Thát mákes me kind of sád, but I completely understánd. Sometimes your body ánd bráin don’t wánt the sáme thing. :)

If you cán’t do creám cheese, feel free to repláce it with á splásh of heávy creám or hálf-ánd-hálf. I’d probábly use ábout 1/4 cup heávy creám, or 1/2 cup of hálf-ánd-hálf. OR, if you don’t wánt it creámy át áll, thát works too. This pástá wás quite delicious even before I ádded the creám cheese, but the creáminess does bálánce the heát ánd ácidity very well.
Cook á complete dinner in one pot with this Creámy Cájun Chicken Pástá, using mostly pántry-stáble items. Perfect for busy weeknights! 
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