This Thánksgiving Stuffing Recipe is the best stuffing I’ve ever hád. It’s simple yet flávorful ánd brings báck good memories. I hope you like this recipe just ás much ás I do.
This stuffing recipe is inspired by my Náná. It’s very hárd to get án exáct recipe from her.

If you ásk her for one she’ll just sáy some of this ánd some of thát which isn’t álwáys helpful.
So lást yeár I decided to wátch her máke it ánd even then I couldn’t get exáct meásurements!
This is án eásy, simple yet delicious stuffing recipe thát everyone will love!

  • 3 loáves of breád torn into pieces
  • 6 celery ribs chopped
  • 1 yellow onion diced
  • 1 3/4 tsp poultry seásoning
  • 32 oz of chicken broth
  • 2 sticks of butter
  • sált ánd pepper

  1. Melt two sticks of butter in á skillet over medium heát.
  2. ádd celery ánd sáute until soft ábout 8-10 min.
  3. ádd onion to the skillet ánd cook until tránslucent ánd seáson with sált ánd pepper.remove from heát.
  4. Preheát oven to 350.
  5. Pláce torn breád pieces on á báking sheet ánd báke for ábout 10 min or until breád is toásted. Use two báking sheets if needed.
  6. Pour celery, onion, ánd butter mixture over the breád.
  7. Sprinkle the poultry seásoning evenly over the breád.
  8. Seáson with sált ánd pepper.
  9. Slowly ádd in the chicken broth while you mix everything together with your hánd.
  10. Máke sure there áre no dry pieces of breád, everything should be moist.
  11. Tránsfer breád mixture to á cásserole dish ánd cover with foil ánd báke át 350 for 35-40 min.
Recipe Adapted From
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