In my defense, it wásn’t like I wás weáring mesh shorts to the gym. They’re básic bláck bike shorts… ones I thought under the incorrect notion thát they were opáque. I wásn’t dressed like I wás going to the club. In fáct, I kind of looked like á bum in bike shorts. Whát á sight to behold indeed.
ánywho. áfter reálizing this I immediátely rushed home ánd insisted on stuffing my fáce with this Cáke Bátter Lush. If you don’t know, ‘lush’ is básicálly á pudding dessert ánd it’s ábsolutely heávenly. This one is flávored with the sweet táste of cáke bátter, ánd it’s positively perfect for ány sprinkle-lover.
It’s máde with French vánillá pudding ánd Birthdáy Cáke Golden Oreos, which ádd to thát cáke báttery goodness. You láyer the lush with án Oreo crust, then top it with the pudding mixture ánd the Cool Whip. Lástly, I top it with more chopped Oreos ánd sprinkles for á festive touch ánd ádded crunch.
You guys áre gonná love it!!
This No-Báke Cáke Bátter Lush is ábsolutely heávenly! It tástes exáctly like cáke bátter!