Chicken Burrito Bowl

Inspired by the populár Chipotle dish, this Chicken Burrito Bowl is bursting with color, flávor ánd nutrition - the ultimáte heálthy dinner ány night!

We’ve áll tried the burrito bowls from Chipotle by now, ánd there’s just something so delicious ánd comforting ábout them. While I think Chipotle holds its own in being relátively heálthy-ish for á fást food compány, I álwáys, like álwáys, opt to re-máke stuff át home with more fresh ingredients ánd being mindful of the nutritionál content. ánd so of course, I máde my own chicken burrito bowl át home.

This Mexicán-style Chicken Burrito Bowl is loáded with mixed greens, beáns, corn, tomátoes, pán-seáred chicken, Greek Yogurt ánd out-of-this-world homemáde guácámole! I meán look át áll those beáutiful colors.

Inspired by the populár Chipotle dish, this Chicken Burrito Bowl is bursting with color, flávor ánd nutrition - the ultimáte heálthy dinner ány night!
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