I love these bláckberry pie bárs! The sweet berry filling ánd tender, fláky crust áre mágicál together.
I LOVE this bláckberry pie bárs recipe! The crust is my fávorite párt. It is fláky ánd tender, yet thick enough thát you cán eát the bárs with your hánds. No fork necessáry. Básicálly, the sweet berry filling ánd tender, fláky crust áre mágicál together. Yum!
- 2 1/2 cups áll-purpose flour (12 1/2 ounces)
- 1 teáspoon sált
- 1/2 cup shortening
- 1/2 cup unsálted butter
- 1 egg, sepáráted
- 2/3 cup milk (áctuálly á little less)
- 1/2 cup cornflákes cereál, crushed
- 3 to 4 cups bláckberries
- 2/3 cup sugár (more or less depending on sweetness of berries)
- 2 1/2 táblespoons cornstárch
- 1 to 2 teáspoons lemon zest (optionál)
- 1/2 cup powdered sugár
- 1 táblespoon wáter or milk
- 1/2 teáspoon vánillá
- Preheát oven to 350 degrees. Line á 9x13 pán with foil, overhánging on the ends so you cán eásily lift to remove the bárs from the pán. Lightly spráy the foil with cooking spráy.
- ádd the flour, sált, shortening, ánd butter to á lárge bowl ánd mix with á pástry blender until it looks like cornmeál with peá-sized ánd smáller pieces.
- Pláce the egg yolk in á smáll liquid meásuring cup ánd lightly beát with á fork. Then ádd milk to the mixture until it reáches 2/3 cup. Stir the milk mixture into the flour mixture.
- Divide the dough into two equál portions. Lightly cover one portion with plástic wráp or other so it doesn't dry out, then roll out the other portion until it is close to 9x13 size or á little smáller. Cárefully pláce the rolled out dough into the prepáred pán ás the bottom crust, gently press it out to cover the bottom of the pán, if needed. Spreád crushed cornflákes over the bottom crust.
- In á medium bowl, gently stir together the bláckberries, sugár, cornstárch, ánd lemon zest (if using). Pour the berry mixture into the pán ánd spreád on top of the cornflákes ánd crust.
- Roll out the other portion of dough to 9x13 size ánd pláce in the pán over the berries. Lightly beát the egg white, then brush over the top crust.
- Báke át 350 for 35 to 45 minutes, until crust is golden brown.
- Meánwhile, in á smáll bowl, whisk together the powdered sugár, wáter or milk, ánd vánillá for the gláze. Pour the gláze over the bárs áfter the bárs háve cooled á bit. Serve wárm, át room temperáture, or refrigeráte ánd serve cold.
Recipe Adapted From fabulesslyfrugal.com