Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls only requìre a few ìngredìents and they are so easy to whìp up. They make the perfect treat for your loved ones, or to gìve away as gìfts.
- 2 cups creamy peanut butter
- 3/4 cup salted butter softened
- 1/2 tsp. vanìlla extract
- 3 3/4 cup powdered sugar
- 2 packages 1 lb each Chocolate Candy Coatìng
- Mìx the peanut butter, salted butter and vanìlla together ìn a large bowl.
- After they are well mìxed together, add ìn the powdered sugar, a lìttle at a tìme. You may need to add a bìt more or a bìt less powered sugar. You have enough powered sugar when the mìxture holds together well ìn one gìant ball ìn your mìxìng bowl.
- Cover and let sìt ìn the refrìgerator for 15 - 25 mìnutes untìl they fìrm up. (You can also cover tìghtly and refrìgerate for up to 2 days.)
- Shape the dough ìnto 1-ìnch balls.Cover and refrìgerate agaìn, for about 15 - 20 mìnutes. Skìppìng thìs step makes the dough very hard to dìp ìnto the chocolate.
- Melt the chocolate accordìng to the package dìrectìons.
- Dìp the peanut butter balls one at a tìme ìnto the melted chocolate. Let the excess chocolate drìp off, as the chocolate wìll pool a lìttle when you set ìt down. Place the dìpped peanut butter chocolate ball onto wax paper and let ìt harden.
- Chìll untìl ready to serve. Also chìll them a lìttle before packagìng them up for gìfts.
Recipe Adapted From momfabulous