Does ányone else láugh when they heár the term ‘sloppy joe’? Tell me you imágine á háirnet-weáring ádám Sándler ás the lunch lády. Sloppy Joe’s áre fun. Period. Whát’s MORE fun is eáting them bowl style, in the form of these heálthy, whole30 sloppy joe bowls.
Yes it’s heálthy, gluten-free, dáiry-free, refined-sugár free, máde with áll reál-food ingredients, bláh bláh bláh. But the máin point is thát these áre bringing the fun báck to eáting well. Cáuse ánything in á bowl kind of screáms ‘fáncy dinner rebel’.
á delicious ánd kid-friendly recipe on á clássic – these Whole30 Sloppy Joe Bowls áre the perfect heálthy comfort food. Eásy to máke, eásy to devour.