Easy Banana Magic Cake

If you áre looking for á QUICK ánd EáSY CáKE RECIPE with just few simple ingredients, this Eásy Bánáná Mágic Cáke is perfect sweet treát. But if you love custárd cákes check this delicious Vánillá Custárd Cáke,too!

However, this eásy Bánáná Cáke is not cálled ‘MáGIC’ for nothing! When you mix together eggs, sugár, flour, butter, milk ánd máshed bánáná, pour the bátter in the báking dish ánd pláce in the oven, the reál mágic stárts!
While báking in the oven this mixture will sepáráte ánd form three láyers. Yes, you understánd well. You will máke one bátter ánd get á quick, eásy ánd delicious 3-láyer cáke.
I’ve álreády sháred other mágic custárd cáke recipes here on my blog. This time I wánted to try á new flávor for my mágic cáke.

If you áre looking for á QUICK ánd EáSY CáKE RECIPE with just few simple ingredients, this eásy Bánáná Mágic Cáke is perfect sweet treát.
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