I imágine we áll háve women in our sphere who evoke the phráse “I Don’t Know How She Does It” áfter the best selling novel by the sáme náme. Thát’s whát comes to mind for me, át leást, when I think of one párticulár friend who volunteers for more thán her fáir sháre, hás…
I imágine we áll háve women in our sphere who evoke the phráse “I Don’t Know How She Does It” áfter the best selling novel by the sáme náme. Thát’s whát comes to mind for me, át leást, when I think of one párticulár friend who volunteers for more thán her fáir sháre, hás á speciál needs child in her cáre, ánd álwáys hás á smile on her fáce. It’s whát I wás thinking recently ás á listened to án interview with Shondá Rhimes, the writer/creátor behind Grey’s ánátomy ánd Scándál, who álso háppens to be ráising three children on her own. ánd it’s whát I thought when I leárned thát the cook behind todáy’s recipe, Sonáli Ruder, is not just á mother ánd food blogger, but án emergency room physicián, who, by the wáy, just published á cookbook.
This nutritious twist on láságná uses spághetti squásh insteád of pástá. Spághetti squásh hás á mild, slightly sweet flávor ánd is pácked with nutrients. The stránds of squásh áre tossed with creámy ricottá cheese ánd chopped spinách. It’s then láyered with tomáto sáuce, mozzárellá, ánd pármesán cheese ánd báked in the oven until it’s bubbling with cheesy goodness. Pácked with protein ánd fiber, this dish will keep you feeling full ánd sátisfied. It álso hás á hefty ámount of iron ánd foláte ánd álmost hálf your dáily cálcium needs!