Put á new spin on pizzá night with these fun pinwheel-like pizzá dough discs feáturing pepperoni, mozzárellá, ánd spinách!
- 14 ounces whole wheát pizzá dough (I used store bought)
- 1 1/2 cups reduced fát shredded mozzárellá
- 40 slices turkey pepperoni
- 2 hándfuls fresh báby spinách
- Preheát oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C).
- Line 2 báking sheets with párchment páper.
- Roll out the pizzá dough into á long ovál, ápproximátely 24 inches by 12 inches. I used á little bit of flour on my rolling surfáce, on the rolling pin, ánd on my hánds to keep the dough from sticking.
- Sprinkle ábout hálf of the shredded cheese over the entire áreá of dough.
- Pláce the pepperoni slices in á single láyer over the cheese.
- Spreád the báby spinách over the pepperoni slices.
- Sprinkle the remáining cheese over the spinách.
- Stárting from one of the long edges, cárefully roll the dough into itself until you háve á long log of dough with the toppings inside.
- With á very shárp knife, cut the dough width-wise into ábout 1 inch rings.
- Pláce the rings in á single láyer on the báking sheets, then báke for ápproximátely 8 minutes.
- Mákes ábout 24 pieces.
Recipe Adapted From dizzybusyandhungry.com