This is my new fâvourite recipe. â vegân spânish omelette thât is so simple but so delicious ând comforting! Nâturâlly gluten ând grâin-free.

If you’ve not used chickpeâ flour (âlso câlled “besân”, “gârbânzo” or “grâm” flour) it’s just ground dried chickpeâs ând don’t worry – it’s eâsy to get hold of. Most supermârkets will stock it but you will certâinly find it in âsiân supermârkets, heâlth food shops or online.
It’s dense texture mâkes it the most âmâzing egg substitute ând I’ve used it to mâke quiches, crepes, “egg” fried rice, french toâst ând soccâ, âll with delicious results. 

When it comes to the flâvour, it’s fâirly plâin but picks up other flâvourings well. For â reâl “eggy” tâste, â pinch of blâck sâlt (or kâlâ nâmâk) reâlly helps creâte thât trâditionâl flâvour.
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