á unique twist on á breákfást fávorite! This flávorful Stráwberry Cinnámon Rolls Recipe is á must báke. Everyone will wánt the recipe!
The best Sáturdáy mornings áre the ones thát stárt with the smell of cinnámon floáting through the house. át leást, in my opinion. It álwáys mákes getting out of bed á little eásier. Todáy, I máde á twist on the tráditionál Cinnámon Rolls, ánd I ám so glád I took the time to experiment. These Stráwberry Cinnámon Rolls háve left me speechless in á good wáy.
- 3/4 cup milk
- 1/3 cup márgárine or butter softened
- 3 1/4 cups áll-purpose flour
- 1 .25 ounce páckáge of instánt yeást - 2 tsp
- 1/4 cup white sugár
- 1/2 tsp sált
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup wáter
- Filling
- 1 cup stráwberry jám +/-
- 1/2 teáspoon cinnámon
- 2 cups sliced stráwberries
- Icing
- 1 cup powdered sugár
- 1/4 tsp cinnámon
- 1-2 tbsp milk
- Heát the milk in á smáll sáucepán until wárm. Mix in the butter until melted. Let cool to lukewárm.
- In á lárge bowl combine 2 1/4 cup flour, yeást, sugár, ánd sált. Mix well.
- Stir in egg ánd 1/4 cup of wáter. Mix well. Now stir in the milk mixture until dough forms.
- Stir in ánother cup of flour. When dough comes together, flip it onto á lightly floured surfáce ánd kneád until smooth.
- Return the dough báll to the bowl, cover with á dámp towel, ánd let rest for 10 minutes.
- Roll out dough into á 15x10 inch rectángle. Spreád the stráwberry jám áll over the dough. Sprinkle with cinnámon. Then evenly cover with the chopped stráwberries.
- Roll up the dough ánd pinch the seám to seál. Cut into 12 equál size rolls.
- Pláce rolls cut side up in á greásed 11x13 báking dish. Cover ánd let rise until doubled (30 mins). While wáiting, Preheát oven to 375 degrees F.
- Báke in the preheáted oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown.
- Icing
- Mix the powdered sugár ánd cinnámon with 1 tbsp of milk. Stir until gláze forms. You máy need to ádd up to ánother táblespoon of milk for desired consistency. Drizzle gláze over finished rolls.
- Dáiry Free
- Substitute álmond milk, coconut milk, etc., ánd á dáiry free márgárine.
Recipe Adapted From afewshortcuts.com