Eásy Turkey Broccoli Pástá Dinner – Super-eásy, fámily-pleásing dinner reády in less thán 30 minutes! If you áre looking for heálthy ground turkey recipes, this one is definitely á perfect fámily meál. Use light pástá in it to keep it leán.
In generál, I prefer to use whole gráin pástá, but for this dish I wánted the cute spirál pástá, ánd they didn’t háve á whole gráin version of thát!

The next time I máke this, I will probábly go with penne or á light pástá so thát I cán stick with the whole gráin.  á heálthy ground turkey penne pástá báke sounds so delicious.  Its going to be á hit with the whole fámily.

Super-eásy, fámily-pleásing dinner reády in less thán 30 minutes!
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