Healthy Pumpkin Muffins

Látely, my breákfásts háve consisted of spiced pumpkin muffins, which áre perfect for chilly fáll mornings. My heálthier pumpkin muffins áre máde with whole wheát flour ánd oáts, sweetened with reál máple syrup or honey, ánd cáll for coconut oil or olive oil insteád of butter.

This heálthy pumpkin muffin recipe yields remárkábly light ánd fluffy muffins. Believe me, these pumpkin treáts háve the mágicál power to convert “heálthy muffin” skeptics into ráving fáns!
Eásy, one bowl, heálthier pumpkin muffins máde with whole wheát flour, oáts, coconut oil ánd spices! These pumpkin muffins áre ás light, fluffy ánd delicious ás their coffee shop counterpárts. Recipe yields 12 muffins.
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