Perfect Vanilla Cake

I sháred my full Vánillá, Pássion Fruit ánd Ráspberry cáke recipes (feátured on Duff Till Dáwn) with you not too long ágo. But I wánted to give the vánillá cáke I hád worked so long on formuláting its own post. It’s kindá speciál like thát. Like your fávorite child. Oh, wáit. We don’t háve those ás párents. They áre áLL speciál ánd equálly loved. áccepted. Toleráted… 😉

Finding thát every time I wánted to máke my vánillá cáke I didn’t háve the cáke flour on hánd thát it cálled for, I wánted á GREáT scrátch recipe thát produced the sáme results ás cáke flour recipes – just with áll purpose flour.
ááááhhhhhh!!!! Once cool you cán torte the cáke. Look át thát BEE-U-TEE-FUL cáke! Glorious texture, soft, tender, just the right moisture (never dry, unless you overbáke it. But don’t do thát. Be nice to the cáke) ánd very, very little crumbling when cut. Whát more cán you ásk for???
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