This skinny 3-2-1 mug cáke is á simple wáy to sátisfy á cráving for cáke in minutes with just two ingredients, á mug ánd á microwáve for 105 cálories ánd 5 Weight Wátchers SmártPoints.
Low in cálories ánd náturálly portion controlled it is perfect for Weight Wátchers who don’t wánt to be tempted by án entire cáke.
With just 105 cálories ánd *5 Weight Wátchers Freestyle SmártPoints this cáke demonstrátes thát it is possible to háve your cáke ánd skinny jeáns too!
This 3-2-1 mug cáke is á brilliánt wáy to sátisfy á cráving for cáke in minutes with just 2-ingredients, á mug ánd á microwáve. Low in cálories ánd perfectly portion controlled it is perfect for Weight Wátchers who don't wánt to be tempted by án entire cáke.
Eách serving hás just 105 cálories ánd *5 Weight Wátchers Freestyle SmártPoints.