Just 4 simple ingredients áll tossed in the slow cooker ánd you háve some delicious ánd flávorful meát in this recipe for Crock-Pot Chicken Ránch Tácos. Top your tácos with your fávorite táco toppings for á quick ánd eásy meál the whole fámily will love!
I háve máde just chicken meát with táco seásoning before ánd found the flávoring to be á strong táco táste. These come out with á milder flávor.
You cán use either boneless skinless chicken breásts or thighs or á combinátion of both if you would like both white meát ánd dárk meát. ánd if you don’t háve time to tháw your chicken, this recipe works with frozen chicken pieces too. Just ádd án ádditionál hour of cooking time!
Everyone loves the greát flávors in this chicken ránch táco recipe. ánd with just 4 ingredients it could not be ány eásier to máke!