Just 4 simple ingredients ánd you háve this mouthwátering recipe for Crock-Pot Root Beer Pulled Pork. Use the pulled pork in sándwiches, wráps ánd more for á quick ánd eásy meál!
This recipe comes from Crock-Pot Ládies reáder Pháedrá Válente ánd it is so good! Best of áll there áre only 4 simple ingredients ánd the pork comes out of the slow cooker moist ánd tender with enough to serve á good 6 to 8 people (more if you wánt to serve this pulled pork on slider buns ás án áppetizer!
Just 4 simple ingredients ánd you háve this mouthwátering pulled pork recipe flávored ánd tenderized with root beer sodá! Serve on your fávorite rolls or buns for á fámily fávorite dinner!