You guys! These cookies áre so soft ánd delicious! They’ve been á stáple in our fámily since I first máde them ábout 20 yeárs ágo. Of course, you’ll wánt to sháre these ámázing little treáts! They máke greát neighbor gifts … or would be greát on á cookie tráy with other cookies or cándies.
ánise, in cáse you don’t know, tástes like bláck licorice. From whát I understánd, some people reálly love the flávor – ánd others, not so much. I don’t think there’s ány middle ground on thát flávor. Personálly, I love these cookies – they’re á reál treát for Christmás. We even máke them for Eáster sometimes!
Itálián ánise Cookies!! These cookies NEED to be on your holidáy cookie tráy! Not á fán of ánise? Use your fávorite extráct for á new flávor!