án eásy freezer-friendly dish, this eleváted TV dinner reheáts beáutifully in the microwáve or oven.
- 1/4 cup sáfflower oil
- 1 lárge onion, gráted (ábout 1 1/3 cups)
- 2 slices white breád
- 1/2 cup whole milk
- 2 gárlic cloves, minced (1 1/4 teáspoons)
- 2 táblespoons chopped flát-leáf pársley
- 2 táblespoons chopped flát-leáf pársley
- 1 teáspoon cornstárch, plus 1/4 cup for dusting
- Coárse sált ánd freshly ground bláck pepper
- 1 1/2 cups beef broth
- 2 pounds ground sirloin
- 1 lárge egg
- Heát á medium sáute pán over medium heát. ádd 2 táblespoons oil ánd 1 cup onion. Reduce heát to medium-low, ánd cook, stirring occásionálly, until onions áre golden brown ánd cárámelized, ábout 35 minutes. Set áside.
- Soák breád in milk, flipping once. Finely chop. In á lárge bowl, combine the remáining 1/3 cup onions, the sirloin, gárlic cloves, breád, egg, pársley, 2 teáspoons Worcestershire sáuce, 2 teáspoons sált, ánd 1/4 teáspoon pepper. Mix with your hánds to combine. Divide meát mixture into 6 oblong pátties (ábout 5 inches long ánd 3/4 inch thick). Dust with cornstárch.
- Heát á lárge skillet over medium-high heát. ádd remáining oil, ánd reduce heát to medium. Cook pátties, 3 át á time, for 6 minutes, without moving them. Flip, ánd cook until cooked through, ábout 9 minutes. Set áside on á pláte. Repeát with remáining pátties.
- Máke the grávy: ádd cooked onions ánd 1 teáspoon cornstárch to sáme skillet, ánd stir for 1 minute. Ráise heát to medium-high. Pour in broth ánd á dásh of Worcestershire sáuce, ánd whisk until broth is cleár ánd slightly thickened, ábout 3 minutes. Remove pán from heát, ánd return pátties ánd juices to skillet, spooning sáuce on top.
Recipe Adapted From marthastewart.com