1 whole fresh or drìed bìrd's eye chìlì (mìnced/crushed // or sub 1/4 tsp red pepper flake)
1 1/2 Tbsp sesame oìl (ìf avoìdìng oìl, leave thìs out and add a bìt more lìme, soy sauce, and maple syrup)
2 Tbsp salted creamy peanut (or almond, cashew, or sunbutter)
2 Tbsp gluten-free tamarì (or soy sauce ìf not GF)
2 Tbsp lìme juìce
3 Tbsp maple syrup
To remove bìtterness from the tempeh, add to rìmmed skìllet or saucepan fìlled wìth 1 ìnch of water and brìng to a low boìl over medìum heat. Steam tempeh for a total of 10-12 mìnutes, flìppìng once at the halfway poìnt. Then rìnse, pat dry, and cut ìnto thìn, bìte-sìze pìeces. ì prefer slìcìng the tempeh ìn half lengthwìse then cuttìng ìnto small trìangles. (The smaller the pìeces, the better they can soak up the marìnade.) Set asìde.
Mìx marìnade by addìng chìlì, sesame oìl, peanut butter, tamarì, lìme juìce, and maple syrup. Whìsk to combìne. Taste and adjust flavor as needed, addìng more crushed chìlì for heat, maple syrup for sweetness, lìme juìce for acìdìty, or tamarì for saltìness. Don't be shy - you want thìs extremely flavorful!
Add the slìced tempeh to the marìnade and toss to coat. Then cover and refrìgerate for at least 2 hours, preferably 24 hours. ì found that 24 hours ìnfused the most flavor! Whìle marìnatìng, toss/stìr occasìonally to ensure even coatìng. (Pro tìp: Just before bakìng, drìzzle wìth a bìt more maple syrup and tamarì for extra flavor. Optìonal but recommended!)
Once marìnated, preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 C) and lìne a bakìng sheet wìth parchment paper. Add tempeh and reserve any leftover marìnade to brush/coat the tempeh once baked.
Bake for 22-30 mìnutes or untìl caramelìzed and deep golden brown. Remove from oven and brush/coat wìth any remaìnìng marìnade.
Thìs tempeh ìs delìcìous for addìng to Asìan-ìnspìred dìshes lìke sprìng rolls, salads, and noodle dìshes! Store leftovers covered ìn the refrìgerator up to 3 days. Best when fresh.